What To Do if You fall Into Rent Arrears – The Basics
Written By
Team Nucleus

Falling behind on your rent arrears can be a really daunting and scary situation. It is easier to take control early on in the process but that doesn’t mean it is too late to rectify it at any point. Following our guide you can make an affordable repayment plan and not fall into further arrears.

  1. As soon as you realise you are behind on your rent speak to your Landlord. Explain
    what has happened and ask for a breakdown of how much you owe them and how
    much your rent is each month.
  2. Once you have got the information from your Landlord, look at what money you get
    in each month and what your necessary payments each month?
  3. Check that you are getting all the benefits you are entitled to – there are websites
    you can use to ensure you’re getting everything that you need.
  4. Having a look at everything you are getting in each month and spending each month
    see what you can realistically afford to repay your Landlord.
Disclaimer: This blog is for general information only.
Nothing on this blog constitutes formal legal advice or gives rise to a solicitor-client relationship.
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